Tuesday, April 26, 2011

my scary experience.

When I was a high school student, I was trying to fall asleep for like an hour or something and I couldn't fall asleep. When I started to doze off a little bit I heard a noise that sounded like a song, like a girl singing or something. I sat up and still heard the noise.
I thought it was my phone and I was going to answer it... but my ringtone is not the way this sounded. Immediately after I heard this I laid my head back down and closed my eyes to try to fall asleep again. Then, felt pressure on my chest and neck area. It was like I was being forced down to my bed and I couldn't move or sit up. I heard rustling at the foot of my bed like there was something or someone else in the room with me. It really scared me.
After that my head was forced down onto my pillow and my neck was turned all the way to the side almost forcing it around in a circle. I couldn't breathe or speak but I was scared out of my mind and had no idea what was going on. I could hear my sister in her room next to me so I'm assuming I wasn't asleep or dreaming. My blanket was pulled down a little too without me touching it and this freaked me out.
Anyone have anything to say about it?


  1. That is strange! Since I'm not superstitious, I'd guess you were having a nightmare.

  2. It looks like "Ghost press".
    Some of my friends have the same experience with you.

  3. I think it's kind of ghost pressure. Therefore, you should not regularly look at your shadow <~~ my mom said that ^^
